ACLU of Arkansas Executive Director Holly Dickson chats about her favorite part of the job and more as the organization celebrates 55 years of fighting for Arkansans’ rights.
Arkansas Blog
Inviting Big Brother? The Week in Review, Aug. 3, 2024
On this week’s podcast: The latest on ballot initiatives (marijuana, casinos and abortion), a check-in on Little Rock city news, and Central Arkansas’s dismal record on pedestrian deaths.
LR Ward 2 Director Ken Richardson recovering from ‘multiple life-threatening surgeries’
Richardson has not been present at a city board meeting since the middle of May.
Both sides file briefs in Arkansas Abortion Amendment lawsuit
Abortion advocates say they complied with the law and Thurston is violating the First Amendment. The state contends they did not and that the court lacks jurisdiction anyway.
Entergy to refund a portion of money it overcharged customers, frames rebate as charity
The utility company touts the credit as if it’s being magnanimous. Don’t be fooled. Entergy improperly took money from customers, was sued over it, and got a sweetheart deal in the settlement.
Arkansas Republicans take home the gold medal in bigotry and ignorance
Sarah Sanders and others are big mad about a woman defeating a woman in a women’s sporting event.
State tax revenue down by 4.6% in first month of new fiscal year
The impact of multiple rounds of tax cuts on the state budget is beginning to show.
Group asks Arkansas Supreme Court to disqualify anti-casino amendment
The recently established Arkansas Canvassing Compliance Committee has filed a complaint alleging fraud against an anti-casino canvassing group.