If taxpayer money is going to fund private schools, an education expert argued, citizens should demand “transparency, accountability and public information — as much as possible on the same scale as what public schools have to provide.”
David Ramsey
David Ramsey is a contributing editor for the Arkansas Times and the Oxford American. You can follow his writing at his Substack blog/newsletter, Tropical Depression. https://davidbramsey.substack.com
Blowhards With a Vengeance: Legislators have grandstanding temper tantrum over direct democracy
The peevish dweebs in the Arkansas Legislature love to keep all the power in their own grubby, micromanaging little hands.
Don’t believe the propaganda: One-time surplus money does not fund Sanders’ tax cuts
Jim Hudson, Secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration and the state’s chief fiscal officer, is confused. Or maybe he’s just not telling the truth.
Democrats are pouring money (and candidates) into state legislative races, NYT reports
National Democrats are pouring money into state legislative races in competitive states. Arkansas isn’t on the list, but there are signs of life from Democrats, who are fielding candidates in more districts than in years past.
Anti-abortion groups target pro-choice ballot measures nationwide, including in Arkansas
In Arkansas and elsewhere, anti-abortion activists have concluded that it’s best not to give the people a vote.
Bentonville Film Festival: ‘The In Between’ lingers in liminal spaces at the border
Memory and mourning at the border: Eagle Pass has become ground zero for American political anxiety about the border, but for Robie Flores, director of the new documentary “The In Between,” it’s home.
Plans for pro-adoption, anti-abortion lesson in public schools fizzle in confusion this year
After sending an out-of-the-blue letter about a new mandate with weeks left in the school year, the state evidently removed the curriculum materials from its website. So did anyone actually follow this law?
Demagoguing Tom Cotton introduces bill to eliminate birthright citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants
What is an American? “All persons born or naturalized in the United States.” It is that simple. If you think just a little bit about the modern history of the world, it is frankly beautiful.
State projects $712 million surplus while Austerity Sarah squeezes key programs
Crunching the numbers behind Arkansas Republicans’ scheme to squeeze the budget and dole out tax cuts for the rich.
Washington Post highlights national trend of public funding for religious private schools
Public money is increasingly going to pay tuition at religious private schools.