Posted inRock Candy

Eli Cranor plays chicken with Arkansas’s dark secrets in latest novel ‘Broiler’

“Broiler,” the latest book by Pope County writer Eli Cranor, entangles two couples whose lives orbit a chicken plant in Northwest Arkansas. Combining elements of expose journalism with conventions of tension and suspense, the novel sets in motion a chain reaction plot that rapidly moves through ransom demands, thefts and hostage-taking.

Posted inEntertainment

Heat and pandemic be damned, Phish offered a ‘temporary reprieve from gravity’ at the Walmart AMP last night

It was the band’s first ever date in Arkansas, which felt like a kind of personal validation somehow. And it was the band’s first public show since closing out a short run in Mexico in February of 2020. Expectations were running, ah, high among those I met in the queue at the gates and inside on the lawn.

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