FOUND: In Newfoundland last summer, a sunbathing Newfie.

A reader asked about the redoubtable Death By Inches, Fort Smith bureau chief for the Arkansas Blog since at least 2008. (What a night celebrating Barack Obama’s election in LR).

I’ve been in touch. He reports.

Hi Max!

2023 was a hard year at my house. I’ve been going downhill since April and the last month was very dangerous with an uncontrollable infection in my right leg and gangrene all over my right foot. I was told I could die in a couple of days or amputate my right leg above the knee. I said start cutting

I’ve been in a rehab (nursing home) since December 28th. I weigh 128 down from 174. I can’t gain weight with all the low carb diet food.

I might get to go home Monday & I’ll jump back in the saddle again.   If you want to see FS history go away, check out the Fadjo Cravens auction in LR in the next few days. There are some groups of people going to LR to buy as much as they can.

So thanks for writing. I’ll be back soon extra lean & mean.  I want the AT blog to last forever!  Joe

PS: This Blog needs a dog now and then.

Retired senior editor of the Arkansas Times.