Special elections completed today asked voters in the northwestern part of Sherwood, Jacksonville and a small area in the Bayou Meto area if they approved on-premise sale of alcohol in currently dry areas.

Based on early voting, all three areas responded favorably to leaders’ call for restaurant alcohol sales as an economic tool.

The early vote:

Defunct Gray 54 Township (Jacksonville)

For 324
Against 55

Defunct Gray 56 Township (Sherwood)

For 173
Against 34

Defunct Precinct 614 (Bayou Meto-Kellogg Valley)
For 19
Against 12

I’ll try to check back later for the final.

UPDATE: with about two-thirds of the vote counted both Jacksonville and Sherwood proposals are receiving more tha 80 percent of the vote. The small, less populated Bayou Meto area is close, 42-38 in favor

UPDATE: Final vote shows big wins in Jacksonville and Sherwood but a 43-42 loss in the small rural area.  Looks like the last five votes turned the tide.

Retired senior editor of the Arkansas Times.