A couple of people reported a robopoll last night that gave a little flavor of several Republican primary contests here and elsewhere in the country. They pit incumbent Republicans — thoroughly obedient to Trumpian politics — against political extraterrestrial-level opponents.

This poll appeared to be the work of Conrad Reynolds, the Mike Flynn-endorsed opponent of Republican toady Rep. French Hill in the 2nd Congressional District. After questions identifying a Republican voter and a horse race question came these queries:

Would you be more or less likely to vote for French Hill if you knew he had voted to form a national vaccine database?

More or less likely if you knew he had voted with Nancy Pelosi to form the January 6th Commission?

More or less likely if you knew that he said President Trump’s claim that the 2020 election was stolen was “untruthful and a fantasy”.

Dang. Reasons to vote for French Hill. At least in this matchup.

Retired senior editor of the Arkansas Times.