Posted inRock Candy

‘Action/Abstraction Redefined’: A first look at AMFA’s new exhibition of modern Native American art

“Action/Abstraction Redefined” features 36 artists and over 50 works of art from the Institute of American Indian Arts’ permanent collection across the movements of abstract expressionism, color field and hard-edge painting, showing how Native artists culled inspiration from traditional designs while co-creating and responding to new waves of artistic expression. 

Posted inEntertainment

The Aggressive Forest: A conversation with Anaïs Dassé

“I always felt the way we display the information — the viewer in front of it — everybody is filling gaps. In the end, they [the curators] can tell you whatever they want. This is also the question of colonialism: In these narratives, the ‘winner’ is the one talking. It’s not just missing information; it’s about how we write history. Who are the ‘savages’?” 

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