Not taking money from the industry your husband regulates is only admirable if you don’t change your mind as soon as no one is looking.
Republican National Committee
Posted inArkansas Blog
Further response from RNC member Mindy McAlindon on the censure resolution
Republican gets touchy about an accurate report on her refusal to reveal vote on censure resolution
Posted inArkansas Blog
Arkansas RNC member responds to question on ‘legitimate discourse’ censure resolution
Committewoman resists a simple yes or no answer.
Posted inArkansas Blog
It’s still Trumpansas as far as Arkansas Republicans are concerned, down to similar incivility: Part II
Republicans will not tolerate badmouthing of Donald Trump. Two more illustrations: The Republican National Committeewoman and a staff member for Rick Crawford.
Posted inArkansas Blog
Doyle Webb fails in his bid to become co-chair of Republican National Committee
Arkansan’s bid for No. 2 spot falls well short of the vote for a Trump ally.
Posted inArkansas Blog
CIA: Russians hacked into Republican National Committee but did not release
Another tidbit worth noting on the allegations of Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential election, from the New York Times story this morning.
Posted inArkansas Blog
Republicans threaten boycott to squelch network shows on Hillary Clinton
I’ve written before about Republican animosity toward free speech that is not their own. Now today: