Some chefs use recipes; Big Chef Taylor talks to God.
Uproar in Eureka: City official resigns following erasure of drag queen from tourism ad
When a split-second cameo of drag queen Blaze Duvall went missing from a Eureka Springs ad campaign, the community got loud — and city official Chris Clifton resigned.
A deeper look at Arkansas’s state-funded safety grants to religious institutions
It isn’t clear how the criteria established by the state were evaluated or applied. It’s also unclear why six applicants received grants while four other applicants who cited similar threats did not.
‘The LGBTQ+ Community and the Future of the American Church’ tomorrow night at the Clinton School
Speakers are Frederick A. Davie, senior strategic advisor to the president at Union Theological Seminary; James Martin, SJ, is a Jesuit priest; and Sarah Wilke, director of global relations for the Institute for Discipleship, discussing “how their faith traditions have responded to issues of human sexuality that remain at the foreground of deep divisions within many of the largest Christian denominations in the United States.”
Author Miguel De La Torre talks ‘Decolonizing Christianity’ at Pyramid Art tonight
Tonight at Pyramid Art, Books & Custom Framing: a talk from Cuba-born theologist Miguel de la Torre.
The constitutional amendment chase: Something’s missing
The proposals endorsed so far are bad, but they could be worse.
The flood is coming: on regressive policy and empty church pews
On the blending of religion and politics, and a legislative session churning out regressive policy in Arkansas.
The lineup is lengthy for proposed constitutional amendments
You have to look hard to find good ideas.
Donald Trump, boon to religion
Donald Trump, self-proclaimed gift to religion.
Mayor Scott reaffirms commitment to LGBT inclusion at event with governor and pastor
“I know we’re here to talk about race, but we have to make certain that as we continue to move in this 21st century, there’s more than just race,” the mayor said. “It’s about socioeconomic status, it’s about sexual orientation, it’s about gender identity.”