Posted inRock Candy

The 2023 Porter Fund Literary Prize goes to Jay Jennings

Arkansas journalist Jay Jennings is the newest recipient of the Porter Fund Literary Prize, a $5,000 award given annually to writer of distinction with an Arkansas connection. Jennings has written for Sports Illustrated, Tennis, Time Out New York, Artforum, The New York Times, Travel & Leisure, Vogue, Gravy, The Lowbrow Reader and the Oxford American, where he was an editor from 2015 to 2021.

Posted inEntertainment

Little Rock author Mark Barr awarded 2022 Porter Fund Prize

Mark Barr, the little Rock-based author of the acclaimed novel “Watershed,” is the recipient of this year’s Porter Fund Literary Prize, a $5,000 prize awarded annually to a writer of distinction with an Arkansas connection. Past winners of the Porter Prize include Mara Leveritt, Morris Arnold, Kevin Brockmeier and Jo McDougall, the former Poet Laureate of Arkansas.

Posted inEntertainment

Prayer, Praise, Problem: A Q&A and excerpts from poet Geffrey Davis

We talked with poet Geffrey Davis over email about his latest, “Night Angler,” a 96-page wonder that manages to make a poem about evasive trout feel as if it belongs next to an elegiac verse for Tamir Rice or, as in “Pillow Kombat with the Ultimate Sleep Fighter,” alongside a meditation on Davis’ life as a new parent. 

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