Nick Shoulders Credit: Heather Littlefield

SUNDAY 4/9. White Water Tavern. 7 p.m. $20.

Nick Shoulders and Emily Fenton are some of the finest vocalists in the Arkansas folk scene. The best way I can describe Shoulders’ zippy voice is by comparing it to a bottle rocket, minus the connotation that it’s ever out of control. Fenton, on the other hand, can often be found letting her voice unspool, surrendering to the glorious unpredictability of her vibrato. The two singers and their respective bands are joining forces to raise money for the Central Arkansas Harm Reduction Project, a judgment-free organization that treats drug users with dignity and works “to prevent HIV, hepatitis and overdose deaths in our community by meeting people where they’re at, and offering [their] services with no strings attached.”

YouTube video

Tickets are available here.

Daniel Grear is the culture editor at the Arkansas Times. Send artsy tips to