Partway through “Daughters of Chaos,” Sylvie Swift ventures beneath the brothel where she’s been staying in Civil War-era Nashville and discovers that the prostitutes are up to something darkly mystical, foregoing sex work in favor of feminist rituals through which they subtly reprogram the violence-prone psyches of their clientele. That’s just one of the many forms of masquerading going on in Little Rock writer Jen Fawkes’ debut novel.
Jen Fawkes
Celebrate Jen Fawkes’ new novel at WordsWorth Books on Tuesday
“Daughters of Chaos” comes out July 9, and WordsWorth Books is hosting a launch party on the same day, where Little Rock writer Jen Fawkes will be in conversation with Arkansas magic realism master Kevin Brockmeier.
Author Jen Fawkes teases forthcoming fabulist novel about Civil War-era prostitutes
In a letter to readers, Jen Fawkes shares how her debut novel came together after multiple tries.
Jen Fawkes’ fabulist, Civil War-era debut novel is available for pre-order
The publisher describes the book as “an epic novel about Civil War-era Nashville’s ‘public women,’ a secret society spanning millennia, and the earth-shaking power of the female.” And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Little Rock short story writer Jen Fawkes has sold a novel
Her new novel is described as “a work of fabulist fiction that poses questions about war, family, prostitution, and the earth-shattering power of women; employing actual events and figures from history and in a moment when women’s bodily autonomy is under attack, raising a full-throated cry in its defense.”
From Ayana to Yamada: 21 Arkansas creators who saved 2021
A year-end roundup of 21 Arkansas-connected creators who made 2021 less of a dumpster fire.
Jen Fawkes wins 2021 Porter Fund Prize
The annual Porter Fund Literary Prize, founded in 1984 by novelist Jack Butler and novelist and lawyer Phil McMath, goes to fiction writer Jen Fawkes.
‘Strangeness in the Proportion’: A Q&A with Jen Fawkes
We talk with author Jen Fawkes about her debut short story collection, “Mannequin and Wife,” ahead of her appearance at Central Arkansas Library System’s Six Bridges Book Festival Saturday, Oct. 17.