Posted inArkansas Blog

Tom Cotton likes puppies, but voted against funding for farm aid, disaster relief, and Children’s Hospital

The premise of the latest Tom Cotton advertisement is that ha ha, those mean Democrats will probably say he hates puppies, but that he actually totally likes puppies! We stipulate. But that’s cold comfort to the people whose interests he harmed by voting against farm aid, funding for Children’s Hospital, and disaster relief.

Posted inArkansas Blog

The not-so-principled stand of Tom Cotton on the minimum wage

Finger-in-the-wind political maneuvering doesn’t get much more stark than Republican Senate candidate Tom Cotton announcing earlier this month that he would support the ballot initiative to raise the state minimum wage. Cotton’s endorsement of the minimum wage hike was presumably meant to neutralize the minimum wage issue in this campaign, which Sen. Mark Pryor might have used as a political cudgel. But Cotton’s brand — and his defense on controversial votes — is that he always takes the principled stand, even if it’s difficult or unpopular.

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