George’s looks to be an outstanding addition to the Little Rock restaurant scene in general and to our Italian offerings specifically. They’ve successfully found that elusive sweet spot where fine dining and a comfortable vibe can coexist.
Dining Review
Useful dining and bar reviews of Arkansas restaurants with a focus on Little Rock and Central Arkansas.
Weather forecast says: pineapple whip
Roadside stands in Sherwood and Conway beckon.
Kasper’s in Clarksville is raising the bar on the River Valley road lunch
If you’ve made your share of trips up to Northwest Arkansas from Little Rock, you know a good road lunch spot is worth its weight in gold.
Yolanda Kitchen charms with house-made tortillas, puerco con salsa verde
The food trucks you see heralded on Facebook aren’t the only ones out there. Check out Yolanda Kitchen sometime.
Kream Kastle is a greasy spoon and a living fossil
One might be tempted to call this place a throwback to an earlier era, an atavism, a living fossil. But we just call it that little drive-in on Highway 70 — you know, that tastee-freeze between Ten Mile Creek and the Lonsdale turnoff, the place where all the trucks are parked.
MeMe’s Twisted Potato serves up affordable vegan food with a twist
“My philosophy is eating healthy shouldn’t break your pockets, it shouldn’t be limited to one class of person. Healthy food should be available for everyone,” Coleman said.
Cypress Social brings destination dining to old Cock of the Walk site
“Everything out there, the landscaping, the parking lot, the waterfall, we’ve completely redone. The whole idea was as soon as you come in, you want maximum impact,” Keet said.
The Library Kitchen + Lounge: No books, much lunch
The spot still has that cavernous feel of the old Gusano’s, though it manages to feel a little more homey.
Kream Kastle is a greasy spoon and a living fossil
Kream Kastle has no social media presence whatsoever. Neither does it take orders through various delivery apps. One might be tempted to call this place a throwback to an earlier era, an atavism, a living fossil. But we just call it that little drive-in on Highway 70 — you know, that tastee-freeze between Ten Mile Creek and the Lonsdale turnoff, the place where all the trucks are parked.
Tasting India in Hot Springs
Recently, I was in Hot Springs on a surprise trip and found myself tasked with obtaining food for the wife and her mother. I decided to try an Indian place I had passed many times before: Taste of India.