Let there be no confusion, says a Republican source: Gov. Mike Huckabee is “very actively campaigning” for the Republican ticket.

House Speaker Bobby Hogue, a Democrat, complained to the governor recently about campaigning against Democratic legislative candidates–not good for gubernatorial-legislative relations, you understand. Hogue and Huckabee met after reports that Huckabee had spoken warmly of Democrat Rep. David Choate’s Republican challenger, Randy Minton of Cabot.

A Huckabee spokesman insisted the governor was not campaigning on behalf of Republican candidates, only responding to some partisan remarks by Choate.

Well, how about this? Huckabee was the headliner at a $250-a-head fund-raiser for Republican Scott Wallace, who opposes Democratic Rep. Jim Argue for a western Little Rock Senate seat.

“Huckabee is not directly campaigning against incumbent legislators,” a Republican source explains. “Argue is a challenger seeking an open Senate seat, he is not an incumbent.” Argue presumably won’t be placated by the subtle distinction. Huckabee also is speaking at a number of fund-raisers for the party itself. The party, in turn, will spend money to attempt to beat the brains out of Democratic incumbents.

Print headline: “Cash cow.” September 27, 1996.