Not taking money from the industry your husband regulates is only admirable if you don’t change your mind as soon as no one is looking.
Arkansas Republican Party
Prosecutors say court should not dismiss ousted judge’s bribery conviction
Prosecutors urged a federal judge on Tuesday to reject ousted Judge Michael Maggio’s request that his bribery conviction be dismissed and blamed him for no other convictions in the corruption scandal.
Legislators wined and dined again last week in deluxe fashion and without accountability
Ethics law? What ethics law? It didn’t interfere with some fancy legislative entertaining last week.
Arkansas’s death march: The daily COVID-19 roundup
Grim and grimmer. Arkansas and COVID-19.
State Republican parties, including Arkansas, moved millions for Trump campaign
The Arkansas Republican Party is implicated in the transfer of millions from states to the Trump campaign without full reporting
Even Republican governor thinks legislative vote suppression agenda went too far
Even Governor Hutchinson thought the Republican legislature went too far with its vote suppression agenda.
Republicans choose Jonelle Fulmer as next party chair
She succeeds Doyle Webb.
Arkansas Supreme Court upholds ineligibility of Democrat Jimmie Wilson for state House seat
Presidential pardon didn’t clear his record.
State GOP chair draws pay for raising cash to fight ballot measures
Doyle Webb was paid $20,000 for fund-raising, new filing shows.
Supreme Court upholds decision stopping Republican intervention in challege of Democratic House candidate
Arkansas Supreme Court won’t disturb Jimmie Wilson’s candidacy for House. At least for now.