Posted inArkansas Blog

Conflict noted for pro-hog farm vote on Pollution Control and Ecology Commission

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette today wrote its story about a topic we reported Friday — the decision by new Pollution Control and Ecology Commission Mike Freeze of Keo to vote in favor of permits for the C and H factory hog farm in the Buffalo River watershed despite having supported the permit as a private citizen before joining the commission. There’s more on the conflict-of-interest front.

Posted inArkansas Blog

Farm Bureau push for Buffalo River hog feeding operation continues

Legislative lips remain largely sealed, but environmentalists attempting to protect the Buffalo River from factory hog farm waste say they continue to expect emergence of legislation to override the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality and clear continued operation of the C and H Hog Farm in Newton County, whose topical application of hog waste can wash into tributaries of the Buffalo.

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