Posted inArkansas Blog

Arkansas gets an F from public school advocacy group

The Network for Public Education, an organization that supports traditional public schools, has issued a state-by-state evaluation of the states based on the extent to which they support public schools or, by lack of accountability, favor privatized school choice in the form of vouchers, scholarship programs akin to vouchers and charter schools. Arkansas got an F, along with 16 other states.

Posted inArkansas Blog

Mark Pryor hammers Tom Cotton over budget votes

On the one hand, it’s easy to poke fun at the epic, novel-length press releases that Sen. Mark Pryor’s camp sends out detailing all of the stuff that Rep. Tom Cotton votes against, or votes to cut. On the other hand, Cotton’s preferred policies really do amount to a whole lot pain, and cataloging all that is a big endeavor. Today Cotton voted for both the Ryan budget and the even more draconian Republican Study Committee budget. That means voucherizing Medicare, benefit cuts for seniors, cuts for preventative care, and more.

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