I told the wife that foie gras is an acquired taste for some, but to be an acquired taste means it has to be tried. The wife wouldn’t touch it, not even grilled and placed over sugary yams and served with a tasty port to wash it down.
These lineups ‘the best ever’
While Celebrity Attractions’ Larry Payton on Monday was describing his company’s 2004-2005 theatrical schedule here as “one of the best we’ve ever had,” I thought about how that statement can be perceived. I particularly thought about how it’s taken when I tell readers that each year the Arkansas Times Musicians Showcase has “the best line-up yet.”
Not your daddy’s Globetrotters
It had probably been at least 25 years since I’d last seen the Harlem Globetrotters, who made their annual trip to Central Arkansas last Sunday (as well as adding a new stopover in Hot Springs on Tuesday). This seemed a good chance to take our toddler, Scott (closing in on 2), to an event he actually might watch.
Things couldn’t be nuttier at UA
We should all be so lucky: Land a job you’re probably not qualified for, make a lot of promises, surprise ’em with a bang-up start and then languish in mediocrity for the next six years. Then, when you tell your boss the next two years may be worse, he says your job is safe for another three years and your salary’s being doubled.