The BBC News journalist who first revealed then-GOP operative Tim Griffin’s involvement in voter suppression tactics in Florida during the 2004 election revisits the subject in light of Griffin’s appointment as interim U.S. Attorney in Little Rock.
Warwick Sabin
Charter school bill passes House
Jennifer Barnett Reed reports:
Chalk one up for the Wal-Mart lobbyists: The House brought the charter school bill it defeated two days ago back for a second vote this afternoon, and this time it passed 54-38.
Vows, political and matrimonial
Mike Huckabee today delivered a signed copy of the Presidential Taxpayer Protection Pledge to Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.
Little Rock named ‘distinctive destination’
We alluded to this impending announcement on the Arkansas blog yesterday, but today the National Trust for Historic Preservation officially named Little Rock one of America’s “Dozen Distinctive Destinations.”
House hearing set on Dumas tornado response
With the Democrats now controlling both houses of Congress, there is finally the opportunity to hold the Bush adminstration accountable for its mismanagement.
Read my lips: No new tax cuts
Arkansas Dept. of Finance and Administration Director Richard Weiss yesterday told members of the Joint Budget Committee that the state cannot afford any more tax cuts over the next two years.
The forgotten favorite
According to this CBS article, Arkansas runningback Darren McFadden is the early favorite for the next Heisman Trophy.
Huckabee camp shake-up
Arkansas News Bureau columnist David Sanders sheds a little more light on the drama within Mike Huckabee’s nascent presidential campaign.
Senators exempt themselves on ethics
Ever vigilant, Max calls from the airport to highlight yesterday’s state Senate vote on a House-approved amendment that would ban current lawmakers from becoming lobbyists until a year after their terms in office end.
Libby found guilty
I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, today was found guilty on four counts, including obstruction of justice, perjury and lying to FBI investigators.