Neal Elliott of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy says much of Arkansas’ compliance with EPA’s new carbon guidelines can come from efficiency improvements in homes, businesses and industry, not just shifting to cleaner sources of power.
Public Service Commission
Legislative committee passes resolution against EPA carbon rule
Arkansas lawmakers want state agency heads reject the nation’s best shot at reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
People power vs. power industry
Eureka Springs, where my spouse and I have a second home, loves a parade. Just over a year ago, those parades began to get a decidedly orange tinge.
Where’s the PSC? And Dustin?
I can’t link it, but John Pickett of Conway, the economist and former Public Service Commission member, has a guest column today in the Democrat-Gazette about the deficiencies of the state Public Service Commission, from its many failures in handling the SWEPCO power plant case to various rate-making deficiencies and a failure to force Entegry’s integration into a regional system of power sales and delivery.