Posted inRock Candy

‘Secret doors and lost texts’: A Q&A with writer Jen Fawkes

Partway through “Daughters of Chaos,” Sylvie Swift ventures beneath the brothel where she’s been staying in Civil War-era Nashville and discovers that the prostitutes are up to something darkly mystical, foregoing sex work in favor of feminist rituals through which they subtly reprogram the violence-prone psyches of their clientele. That’s just one of the many forms of masquerading going on in Little Rock writer Jen Fawkes’ debut novel.

Posted inRock Candy

Three Dog Night at Robinson Center on Thursday

Three Dog Night may be touring with only one of its original members, but that won’t matter much when the opening chords to 1970 rock anthem “Joy to the World” peal out to the rafters at Robinson Center, forcing anyone within earshot to surrender to the singalong just as it has forced any kid named Jeremiah to be asked at least once by a wisecracking grownup whether or not he was, indeed, a bullfrog.

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