Posted inArkansas Blog

Law boosting incentives for Arkansas film industry goes into effect today

Act 517, which goes into effect today, gives incentives to productions that spends money or hires crew members from within a county that the Arkansas Economic Development Commission deems economically distressed, and also lifts incentives for certain production costs from 20% to 25%, tacking on an additional 5% incentive if the production is a “multi-project” endeavor like a TV series. 

Posted inRock Candy

ACS to screen coming-of-age drama by Conway filmmaker

“Papaw Land” is a tense yet taciturn coming-of-age drama about Arkansas, made in Arkansas and written and directed by Arkansan filmmaker Justin Blake Crum. When I watched the trailer, which tells of a troubled seventeen-year-old boy sent to his grandfather’s place for a summer of rural edification, the mossy foliage and harsh sun were immediately recognizable as the Ozarks. The film will screen on Thursday, Jan. 26 at Ron Robinson Theater.

Posted inThe Observer

Young Storytellers

On The Observer’s second day of work at the Arkansas Times, while still clueless about such necessities as the location of the office bathroom, I was tasked with covering something called Young Storytellers, which sounded innocuous enough. However, what was quickly revealed by The Observer’s boss, through a grin so tiny it almost didn’t register as mischievous, was that this would be an immersive — nay, participatory — opportunity.

Posted inRock Candy

Filmland 5 lineup announced, including guests David Arquette and Neil LaBute; films from Sam Mendes, Nikyatu Jusu, Kristian R. Hill

Including Kristian Hill’s “God Said Give ’Em Drum Machines,” a documentary about the young Black artists redefining Detroit’s techno scene; Jack Porter Lofton and Jeffrey Dailey’s “The Vous,” about Memphis barbecue joint The Rendezvous; nine shorts and six student shorts to be screened in person, plus more offerings on a parallel virtual version of the fest.

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