Little Rock lawyer David Couch, who’s done work in a variety of public interest causes, and Paul Spencer, who organized the Regnat Populus grassroots drive for better ethics laws, have a new idea cooking.
David Couch
Arkansas medical marijuana supporters are back
And they’re ready to scrap with an old enemy.
Regnat Populus lives, plans 2014 ethics law drive
Good news today from Paul Spencer, the Catholic High teacher who led the truncated petition drive for a state ethics law.
Lott to appeal ballot decision with Supreme Court
Kaitlin Lott will appeal Judge Moody’s City Board ballot ruling with the Supreme Court.
Lansky, Lott file suit: UPDATE
Adam Lansky and Kaitlin Lott, whose petitions to run for seats on the Little Rock City Board were ruled insufficient by the city clerk, have filed suit in Pulaski Circuit Court asking the court to compel the clerk to certify Lansky and Lott as candidates.
Prosecution of gas tax petitioner urged
Lawyer wants woman who headed tax petition drive investigated.
Ethics initiative appears to be falling short of signatures
The morning news on the drive for the ethics initiative isn’t good. But it’s not over until it’s over this afternoon.
Little Rock cracks down on petitioners at Riverfest
Little Rock government outrage: of the day
When the powers that be don’t want petitions signed, petitions will not be signed.